The Great Deception

Thoughts on Christian Mothering.

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Location: Central Florida, United States

Saturday, October 22, 2005


In the past two days, I have encountered 2 instances of vaccine damage. One in a dog who had been ill for over a week after it's annual vaccinations and one in an elderly woman who took her annual flu shot. The woman was already bed-ridden and sickly but as far as the medical establishment is concerned...'high-risk'.

Everytime I think that the whole vaccine issue is overblown, the Lord seems to throw a couple of more cases of vaccine injury my way to remind me how important it is to speak out against it.

As I look through our local newspaper and various community websites, I keep seeing the ads for flu shots plastered everywhere.
I NEVER see anything to counter them in the local media, except of course, when yours truly writes an article or another activist mom takes up a pen.
People need to hear the truth.
The bigger problem is....getting people to believe it.
At a minimum of $25.00 per shot, Big Pharma is not in any hurry
to educate anybody!
So, the job of education has to fall to those of us that care. The deception of the 'safe' flu-shot has to be chipped away. We need more article writers, bloggers, flyers to be passed out and we need to be able to get 'prayed-up' and speak to those that are standing patiently in line for that needle-ful of toxicity. As we approach these folks, let's also remember to care for their eternal souls. A tract attached to an anti-vaccine flyer is good and if they have ears to hear, give them the Gospel.

Below are helpful websites to help you research the vaccine issue.
Also, pray about getting out there and telling people at the flu shot clinics about the other side of the vaccine issue. You'll run into resistance from time to time I am sure but any life saved is precious to the Lord.

In the area of animal vaccines, please research holistic veterinary. These doctors shy away from conventional, synthesized preparations and can help your pet stay healthy and safe naturally.
They can also help you with paperwork which will exempt your pet from toxic vaccinations.

The Belleview (Florida)un-Health-y Department will be having flu-shot clinic November 2. It would be great to see some folks out there passing out flyers and educating people about the dangerous substances and side-effects that many suffer. If anyone would like to come out with me, please send me an e-mail at

Vaccine links:

This is a copy of an informational flyer I will be using, sent to me from Wendy Callahan who has had first hand experience with adverse vaccine reactions :

Flu Vax Facts for Fluarix

1. Flu vaccines are typically made with 25 micrograms of thimerosal. 49% of thimerosal is mercury. The version you are getting today may have 5 micrograms or less. Since mercury is used in the manufacturing process there will always be a trace. There can be no safe amount of mercury injected.
2. The CDC says on its website that mercury is a neurotoxin and to avoid eating fish because it may contain mercury. They state as an example a person weighing 110 lbs should have no more than 5 micrograms of mercury. This shot may contain 25 micrograms. You need to weigh at least 550 lbs for this vaccine to be safe. When pressed for clarification, the CDC said and I quote “you could die from the flu”. Do you see the risk/benefit here? Better to be brain damaged then get the flu?

3. This vaccine contains formaldehyde. There is no safe amount that can be injected into people unless they are being embalmed.

4. This vaccine has Guillain-Barré as a possible side effect. A temporary, Multiple Sclerosis like illness. Also reported are breathing problems, hoarseness or wheezing, hives, paleness, weakness, a fast heartbeat, or dizziness.

5. This vaccine is not 100% effective. From the package insert of the vaccine; “The effectiveness in preventing influenza illness often ranges from 30%–40%.”

6. The cities picked for this year’s vaccine strains are Wellington, New Caledonia and Shanghia. The virus is harvested from the mucus of sick people in these cities to create the vaccine 10 months in advance.

7. From the package insert: “Influenza virus is remarkably capricious in that significant antigenic changes may occur from time to time. It is known definitely that Influenza Virus Vaccine, as now constituted, is not effective against all possible strains of influenza virus. Protection is limited to those strains of virus from which the vaccine is prepared or against closely related strains.” This involves a lot of guesswork since the vaccine is made almost a year in advance.

8. The package inserts published by the flu vaccine manufacturers state that "Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with this vaccine and it is also not known whether influenza virus vaccine can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman.”

9. From the package insert: “Administering vaccine before October should generally be avoided in facilities such as nursing homes, because antibody levels can begin to decline within a few months after vaccination.” If this vaccine worked, this would not happen.

10. Neurological disorders temporally associated with influenza vaccination such as encephalopathy, (brain swelling) optic neuritis/neuropathy (Inflammation of the Optic Nerve) partial facial paralysis, and brachial plexus neuropathy (decreased movement or sensation in the arm and shoulder) have been reported.

11. This vaccine is made in chicken eggs. Vaccine manufacturers have been asked by the FDA to screen for diseases like avian leukosis (bird leukemia). The new yellow fever vaccine is made in chicken eggs and has a label reflecting its “avian leukosis free” status. No one is sure if this virus is the same virus that causes human leukemia. Do you want to take that chance? What other viruses might be hiding in this vaccine?
12. Half of our flu shot doses last year had to be discarded for contamination. Can you be sure this vaccine is bacteria free? The idea is to avoid virus. Not have it injected in.
· Disodium phosphate dodecahydrate
· Magnesium chloride hexahydrate
Octoxynol (a spermicide)
Polysorbate 80 (Polysorbate 80 is an emulsifying agent, often used in ice cream to prevent milk proteins from completely coating the fat droplets. This allows them to join together in chains and nets, to hold air in the mixture, and provide a firmer texture, holding its shape as the ice cream melts.)
Potassium chloride
Potassium dihydrogen phosphate
α-Tocopheryl hydrogen succinate (Vitamin E) (What if your body attacks this vitamin like it should the virus? This could be catastrophic)
Be careful driving or operating machinery until you know how FLUARIX affects you. FLUARIX should not normally interfere with your ability to drive a car or operate machinery. But in some people vaccination can cause dizziness or light-headedness. Make sure you know how you react to FLUARIX before you drive a car or operate machinery, or do anything that could be dangerous if you are dizzy or light-headed.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Let's Get Proactive Folks!

I hate going to the mall! I hardly ever do it. To me it's like wading in a dirty pool. You find all kinds of scum there and most of the time (at least for me) it's not a refreshing experience. However,due to my daughter's birthday gift (a gift card from her oldest sibling to spend at the mall) I made an exception today.

The first thing that caught my eye when I entered, was a large poster placed in full view for the general public to see. It invited everyone to get their flu shots, you guessed it....right here at the mall!
Seems the Simon's Company is in cohoots with some health care management system and they want to make sure you're all good and 'safe' when flu season gets here. How nice of them!

Well, you know how I feel about foreign substances being injected into innocent folks' bodies. I had to warn somebody in any way I could so I scrambled for my wallet card carrier and found Wendy Callahan's card with her website on it:Vaccine information. She is a valiant young woman who is very active in the community and is trying to give people the true information about the dangers of vaccinations. I stuck it inside the frame of the poster hoping it would be found by an open-minded, would-be victim. Unfortunately, it was the last card I had and the mall had many such posters.
Then, I had a brainstorm!.....I quickly pulled out our churches' business cards, turned them over and began to feverishly write on the back of each one:
Thimerisol is a POISON! It is a mercury derivitive.
It causes central nervous system damage . DO NOT TAKE THE SHOT!
My next stop was the dollar store where I bought a roll of scotch tape and proceeded to tape a card to every poster I could find.
Maybe someone will read them. Maybe someone will question the safety of these vaccines. Maybe someone will actually decide not to ever get a shot again!

Let me tell you. I have found my motorized conveyance to be a wonderful tool for "alternative propaganda". Everyone that is stuck behind me has to read my "U.S. Constitution All Rights Reserved "sticker, my "Christian Children Need a Christian Education" sticker and the real conversation grabber "Public Schools Harm Children" sign in the rear window.

Upon leaving the store, a woman walked up to me in the parking lot and asked me, "How do I do it? How can I get my children out of the public schools?" She saw my sign and said "Yes...that's true but how do I do it? How do I get my kids out?" She shared with me her story of how her daughter was accosted by some other children in the bus who had tried to hurt her while the driver ignored it all and how her son was now suspended because he came to his sister's aid. She was fed up and wanted her children out! I was able to give her some information and I left there feeling that my sign did some good!

See.... you don't need to always have a pulpit and a bullhorn. You don't always have to beat people over the head and argue. Sometimes, the most subtle ways of reaching out are the most effective.

Let me give you one more example of an easy, family activity that can also impact people spiritually:
Mom, when you go to the store with your children, fill up your purse with assorted Bible tracts. My personal favorites are the Chick Tracts because of the eye-catching artwork and simple delivery. Tell your children that you are going to play a game. They have to try to put as many tracts out as possible before you leave the store. Have them insert them into beer cases, place them inside of magazines in the magazine racks, accidentally drop them into unsuspecting passers-by shopping carts and leave a couple in the bathrooms. The little girls LOVE IT! They can be sneaky and let people know about Jesus at the same time. Sometimes, people will be more apt to read a tract if it isn't handed to them but they just sort of 'discover' it.

My point is this:

Find ways to reach the uninformed, the lost, the would-be victims in your part of the world. If you reach even one person it's worth it.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Vanity All Is Vanity!

One of the hardest bridges to cross for us ladies is the sense that our body is aging. You look in the mirror and notice sagging chin, little lines and blotches here and there that you haven't seen before. There is also the gray creeping into the hairline...or for some of us white....and if we travel south from there, well.....things just sort of meld into a less than defined curve if you know what I mean.
You realize that the once bright, youthful appearance has left you when your children pick up a photograph taken about 20 years before and you hear candid remarks like, "Oh! Mommy was really young there!" or my favorite..."You WERE so pretty in this picture, mom", (emphasis mine.)
It's true, I'm not the same woman I was in my twenties (Praise the Lord! I was lost then) and not the same as in my thirties or even early forties. Sometimes I pray the Lord would just skip a few steps and give me that new body NOW! This one is in total rebellion to the one my brain remembers it once was. I have to remember Solomon's words ,"Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity. " It's time to count blessings and realize that this was the body that our Lord meant for me to have. He knew before the foundation of the world that one day I would be just as I am today .This is just a shell......a temporary home until he calls me to Heaven. Should I abuse it? Of course not! Should I not pay attention to it's need for drink? No! Do I try to to preserve it by spending hundreds on facelifts, haircolor, makeup and corrective surgery to try to 'even out the bumps'....I don't think so. Don't get me wrong ladies (and gentlemen) I am not against some simple maintenance. Good hygiene, combed hair, clean clothes and saying no to an extra helping here and there are all good things. Ladies, if your husband wants shaved legs on you and wants you to dress a certain way (of course keeping Godly standards in mind), if he likes your hair up instead of down, go for it! Your body is his and you should try to be pleasing to him.
The one problem I see creeping into the Body of Christ is the dissatisfaction with the 'real' woman that is part of God's family. If a true difference is to be seen by those about us then as Godly women,we need to reflect the completeness that Christ in our hearts has made for us.
He never meant for us to have our bodies cut open to 'nip and tuck', he never wanted us to paint our faces to look like the rest of the world (and attract the rest of the world), he never meant for us to color our hair as if we were 25 when we are 50 and hide the 'hoary head' which is honorable , Proverbs 16:31 " The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness."
What sort of message are we sending our children if we feel aging is an undesireable part of life? No, we don't want aches and pains, we want to be energetic and 'up' and feel like we can take on anything. If we all ate right and slept right and exercised like we ought then we probably would be aging a lot more gracefully than we do. So I don't think we can blame God for all those shortcomings, however, we are weak vessels and rightly so. We are made strong through Him and so it's important to recognize those weaknesses and glory in the Lord for our disabilities because He is able for us!.
That is why as mothers, we need to allow our children to see the process of our aging in as natural a fashion as possible. Those wrinkles you earned through time are a history lesson in your personal character. The white or gray in your locks is the outward show of wisdom in the making. The less than girlish figure is a statement of motherhood. Dress appropriately ladies and it can be a badge and not a shame!
Let your daughters see that your older age can be attractive. Don't cover it up and pretend otherwise!
I have always marveled how an aged woman who is biblically literate and is serving the Lord in her life can have such a hard time just being who she is. Having a good testimony for the Lord isn't just about sharing the gospel with the unsaved, it's reflecting Christ in you, the Hope of Glory. Don't dress him up in immodesty. Don't try to fit Him in with fashion plates. Just be the woman that the Lord intended and let your beauty come from your faith.
Psalm 29:2 "Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness."

Monday, October 03, 2005

The Idiot Box

We haven't watched network television in our home for about 6 years. It actually happened quite by accident that the one-eyed 'god' was removed from our midst: a lightening bolt hit somewhere very close to our house and our power momentarily was gone. When it came t.v. Of course, I was a bit upset. There I was, listening to the early evening news broadcast when this whole thing occurred . I never got to hear the end! Well, I remembered that we had an extra set in another room so I hurried over to fetch it, moved it into my room and plugged it in.....NOTHING!!! I thought..."hmmm, probably a bad outlet" and so I plugged the set in somewhere else.....still NOTHING!!! Ok...let me test this, I thought, so I took a lamp and plugged it into the outlet. It worked! This made no sense to me at the time but I now believe that the Lord just said 'enough is enough' and pulled the plug pemanently.
When I look at the 'boob tube' now, it's usually at someone else's home or at the store. I thank God that he used the forces of nature that he created to force me out of the t.v. life.

Think about the fragile Christian testimony. We have enough opposition in this world from the devil's crowd without watching the same shows they do, listening to the same coarse language and at worst, spending umpteen hours of time frittering away in front of a screen instead of spending that time reading, working, praying and telling folks about Lord.There is so much more to do with eyes unglued away from the t.v. set!

Ladies, think about the sin that so many women watch on the screen everyday.Are you voyeurs, waiting for that next episode in a never ending soap opera? Do you rationalize that it's ok to watch them as long as you never do what the actors do: adultery, fornication, lying, stealing....etc.
Garbage goes in, eventually, garbage goes out and poisons those in your orbit. you eye the pretty, young things so scantily clad in all those commercials? Seems like sex sells everything from soup to nuts and don't be are being marketed to. Not just by the corporate world who are counting on their tactics to sell you on their ideas but the prince of this world is just waiting to catch you in a compromising moment . What better way to make you ineffectual as a Christian?

What about your children? All it took was a couple of episodes at my mother's home to get mine lusting after clothes, toys and more shows! You wonder mothers why your children are ungrateful for the adequate clothing you get them, the toys they have and the people who love them? It's because the biggest motivating force behind the shows, commercials and lifestyles that are pushed on you and your children is greed.

Do you realize that this is more than shows and ads? Our whole society is based on selling sheeple a bill of goods. This is a tool for brainswashing from the cradle to the grave but you will never see it until you extricate yourself from it. The constant barrage of sound, flashing sights, quickly paced shows and sexual inuendo are all a well thought out plan to market products, ideas and culture. The hypnotic music and images are all aimed to reach your subconscious mind and replace original thought with 'corporate think'. The doctored news broadcasts, the talk shows aimed to make you feel that you somehow matter to these overpriced wolves....all these are scams to dumb you down and to affect the thoughts of your children. It indeed is the lowest form of brainwashing there is.

Do yourself a favor and 'unplug'. You will go through withdrawals most assuredly but as with all substance abusers, you will feel sooooo much better after you 'detox'.
One day, you will find so many things to do, so much more time to do them in and you will be able to look inside yourself and realize that you don't have to conform to this world to be a healthy-minded, Christian person. The first step there is stepping away from the 'idiot box'.