The Great Deception

Thoughts on Christian Mothering.

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Location: Central Florida, United States

Monday, October 03, 2005

The Idiot Box

We haven't watched network television in our home for about 6 years. It actually happened quite by accident that the one-eyed 'god' was removed from our midst: a lightening bolt hit somewhere very close to our house and our power momentarily was gone. When it came t.v. Of course, I was a bit upset. There I was, listening to the early evening news broadcast when this whole thing occurred . I never got to hear the end! Well, I remembered that we had an extra set in another room so I hurried over to fetch it, moved it into my room and plugged it in.....NOTHING!!! I thought..."hmmm, probably a bad outlet" and so I plugged the set in somewhere else.....still NOTHING!!! Ok...let me test this, I thought, so I took a lamp and plugged it into the outlet. It worked! This made no sense to me at the time but I now believe that the Lord just said 'enough is enough' and pulled the plug pemanently.
When I look at the 'boob tube' now, it's usually at someone else's home or at the store. I thank God that he used the forces of nature that he created to force me out of the t.v. life.

Think about the fragile Christian testimony. We have enough opposition in this world from the devil's crowd without watching the same shows they do, listening to the same coarse language and at worst, spending umpteen hours of time frittering away in front of a screen instead of spending that time reading, working, praying and telling folks about Lord.There is so much more to do with eyes unglued away from the t.v. set!

Ladies, think about the sin that so many women watch on the screen everyday.Are you voyeurs, waiting for that next episode in a never ending soap opera? Do you rationalize that it's ok to watch them as long as you never do what the actors do: adultery, fornication, lying, stealing....etc.
Garbage goes in, eventually, garbage goes out and poisons those in your orbit. you eye the pretty, young things so scantily clad in all those commercials? Seems like sex sells everything from soup to nuts and don't be are being marketed to. Not just by the corporate world who are counting on their tactics to sell you on their ideas but the prince of this world is just waiting to catch you in a compromising moment . What better way to make you ineffectual as a Christian?

What about your children? All it took was a couple of episodes at my mother's home to get mine lusting after clothes, toys and more shows! You wonder mothers why your children are ungrateful for the adequate clothing you get them, the toys they have and the people who love them? It's because the biggest motivating force behind the shows, commercials and lifestyles that are pushed on you and your children is greed.

Do you realize that this is more than shows and ads? Our whole society is based on selling sheeple a bill of goods. This is a tool for brainswashing from the cradle to the grave but you will never see it until you extricate yourself from it. The constant barrage of sound, flashing sights, quickly paced shows and sexual inuendo are all a well thought out plan to market products, ideas and culture. The hypnotic music and images are all aimed to reach your subconscious mind and replace original thought with 'corporate think'. The doctored news broadcasts, the talk shows aimed to make you feel that you somehow matter to these overpriced wolves....all these are scams to dumb you down and to affect the thoughts of your children. It indeed is the lowest form of brainwashing there is.

Do yourself a favor and 'unplug'. You will go through withdrawals most assuredly but as with all substance abusers, you will feel sooooo much better after you 'detox'.
One day, you will find so many things to do, so much more time to do them in and you will be able to look inside yourself and realize that you don't have to conform to this world to be a healthy-minded, Christian person. The first step there is stepping away from the 'idiot box'.


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