The Great Deception

Thoughts on Christian Mothering.

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Location: Central Florida, United States

Saturday, October 22, 2005


In the past two days, I have encountered 2 instances of vaccine damage. One in a dog who had been ill for over a week after it's annual vaccinations and one in an elderly woman who took her annual flu shot. The woman was already bed-ridden and sickly but as far as the medical establishment is concerned...'high-risk'.

Everytime I think that the whole vaccine issue is overblown, the Lord seems to throw a couple of more cases of vaccine injury my way to remind me how important it is to speak out against it.

As I look through our local newspaper and various community websites, I keep seeing the ads for flu shots plastered everywhere.
I NEVER see anything to counter them in the local media, except of course, when yours truly writes an article or another activist mom takes up a pen.
People need to hear the truth.
The bigger problem is....getting people to believe it.
At a minimum of $25.00 per shot, Big Pharma is not in any hurry
to educate anybody!
So, the job of education has to fall to those of us that care. The deception of the 'safe' flu-shot has to be chipped away. We need more article writers, bloggers, flyers to be passed out and we need to be able to get 'prayed-up' and speak to those that are standing patiently in line for that needle-ful of toxicity. As we approach these folks, let's also remember to care for their eternal souls. A tract attached to an anti-vaccine flyer is good and if they have ears to hear, give them the Gospel.

Below are helpful websites to help you research the vaccine issue.
Also, pray about getting out there and telling people at the flu shot clinics about the other side of the vaccine issue. You'll run into resistance from time to time I am sure but any life saved is precious to the Lord.

In the area of animal vaccines, please research holistic veterinary. These doctors shy away from conventional, synthesized preparations and can help your pet stay healthy and safe naturally.
They can also help you with paperwork which will exempt your pet from toxic vaccinations.

The Belleview (Florida)un-Health-y Department will be having flu-shot clinic November 2. It would be great to see some folks out there passing out flyers and educating people about the dangerous substances and side-effects that many suffer. If anyone would like to come out with me, please send me an e-mail at

Vaccine links:

This is a copy of an informational flyer I will be using, sent to me from Wendy Callahan who has had first hand experience with adverse vaccine reactions :

Flu Vax Facts for Fluarix

1. Flu vaccines are typically made with 25 micrograms of thimerosal. 49% of thimerosal is mercury. The version you are getting today may have 5 micrograms or less. Since mercury is used in the manufacturing process there will always be a trace. There can be no safe amount of mercury injected.
2. The CDC says on its website that mercury is a neurotoxin and to avoid eating fish because it may contain mercury. They state as an example a person weighing 110 lbs should have no more than 5 micrograms of mercury. This shot may contain 25 micrograms. You need to weigh at least 550 lbs for this vaccine to be safe. When pressed for clarification, the CDC said and I quote “you could die from the flu”. Do you see the risk/benefit here? Better to be brain damaged then get the flu?

3. This vaccine contains formaldehyde. There is no safe amount that can be injected into people unless they are being embalmed.

4. This vaccine has Guillain-Barré as a possible side effect. A temporary, Multiple Sclerosis like illness. Also reported are breathing problems, hoarseness or wheezing, hives, paleness, weakness, a fast heartbeat, or dizziness.

5. This vaccine is not 100% effective. From the package insert of the vaccine; “The effectiveness in preventing influenza illness often ranges from 30%–40%.”

6. The cities picked for this year’s vaccine strains are Wellington, New Caledonia and Shanghia. The virus is harvested from the mucus of sick people in these cities to create the vaccine 10 months in advance.

7. From the package insert: “Influenza virus is remarkably capricious in that significant antigenic changes may occur from time to time. It is known definitely that Influenza Virus Vaccine, as now constituted, is not effective against all possible strains of influenza virus. Protection is limited to those strains of virus from which the vaccine is prepared or against closely related strains.” This involves a lot of guesswork since the vaccine is made almost a year in advance.

8. The package inserts published by the flu vaccine manufacturers state that "Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with this vaccine and it is also not known whether influenza virus vaccine can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman.”

9. From the package insert: “Administering vaccine before October should generally be avoided in facilities such as nursing homes, because antibody levels can begin to decline within a few months after vaccination.” If this vaccine worked, this would not happen.

10. Neurological disorders temporally associated with influenza vaccination such as encephalopathy, (brain swelling) optic neuritis/neuropathy (Inflammation of the Optic Nerve) partial facial paralysis, and brachial plexus neuropathy (decreased movement or sensation in the arm and shoulder) have been reported.

11. This vaccine is made in chicken eggs. Vaccine manufacturers have been asked by the FDA to screen for diseases like avian leukosis (bird leukemia). The new yellow fever vaccine is made in chicken eggs and has a label reflecting its “avian leukosis free” status. No one is sure if this virus is the same virus that causes human leukemia. Do you want to take that chance? What other viruses might be hiding in this vaccine?
12. Half of our flu shot doses last year had to be discarded for contamination. Can you be sure this vaccine is bacteria free? The idea is to avoid virus. Not have it injected in.
· Disodium phosphate dodecahydrate
· Magnesium chloride hexahydrate
Octoxynol (a spermicide)
Polysorbate 80 (Polysorbate 80 is an emulsifying agent, often used in ice cream to prevent milk proteins from completely coating the fat droplets. This allows them to join together in chains and nets, to hold air in the mixture, and provide a firmer texture, holding its shape as the ice cream melts.)
Potassium chloride
Potassium dihydrogen phosphate
α-Tocopheryl hydrogen succinate (Vitamin E) (What if your body attacks this vitamin like it should the virus? This could be catastrophic)
Be careful driving or operating machinery until you know how FLUARIX affects you. FLUARIX should not normally interfere with your ability to drive a car or operate machinery. But in some people vaccination can cause dizziness or light-headedness. Make sure you know how you react to FLUARIX before you drive a car or operate machinery, or do anything that could be dangerous if you are dizzy or light-headed.


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