The Great Deception

Thoughts on Christian Mothering.

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Location: Central Florida, United States

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Infanticide Is Here To Stay......

I heard a local radio talk show host announcing that 'pro-lifers' would be involved in the annual Life Chain this Sunday. He was encouraging all the area churches to come down and take part to raise awareness about the evil of abortion.

Of course abortion is murder. There is no way that anyone with half a brain can refute that fact. Is it something that should be used if a mother's life is in danger? If she is raped? My personal opinion is no-on both counts. Do I think Christians should stand against it? YES! We should fight against abortion and the doctors that kill those little lives. We should voice our objections to the barbaric act and do whatever necessary to save those babies. Do I think we should stand up in the Life Chain Sunday? ....... No. I think the time has long since passed where standing with signs and drawing attention to the community's unity against abortion will work to change anything.
The only thing that will work immediately is to shut the clinics down any way possible and to keep them shut down. You're not going to do that by holding up signs, singing hymns and holding hands. Unfortunately, most Christians aren't radical enough to take the abortion mills to the next level. We want the government to step in and say "Bad! Bad! Now no more baby killing!" and let them handle it. We can petition our senators, our congressmen, our President but I can guarantee you that will be to no avail.
Too much money is to be had in the trade of infant flesh. Since all doctors need to have prior approval to deal in the abortion trade, they have to be licensed, the government gets a cut of the license fee. The doctors keep the labs happy with lots of specimens to check....more money moving.....the cosmetic companies, the laboratories that deal in 'research', the vaccine producers and all of Big Pharma's little club get a piece of the income.

The government really has the most to gain as all licenses and taxes that have anything to do with the infant flesh trade go into their tidy little pockets. No my friends, abortion will not be legislated out except when the Lord comes back to rule and reign here on the earth for a 1000 years.

The best we can do as Christians is to not feed the machine:
Don't support doctors that kill. Ladies if you go to a gynecologist or an obstetrician, find out if he participates in infanticide.
If he does then simply quit using him and if you are really bold, tell him why.
Don't participate in the vaccine industry-it's harmful enough to inject yourself with toxic chemicals but do you really want to also inject the cell of an aborted child into you as well? Several vaccines have used cell lines from aborted children for the purpose of growing vaccines.
Probably the most important thing you can do for the unborn, is to witness for Christ to their mothers. Let them know how to be saved and that the Lord can turn their lives around and help them with the provisions they need to make a decent life.
Then be useful. Try to lend a hand. Even if it means taking mom in and helping her or adopting the baby. Christ will provide you with what you need, as needed, if you reach out and help. Let's not be hypocritical. If we can save a child by taking one in then we have really done something! If we try to mouth a lot of rhetoric and then go home without at least offering ourselves and our homes, then we are no better than the government that allows abortion to happen.


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