The Great Deception

Thoughts on Christian Mothering.

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Location: Central Florida, United States

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Infanticide Is Here To Stay......

I heard a local radio talk show host announcing that 'pro-lifers' would be involved in the annual Life Chain this Sunday. He was encouraging all the area churches to come down and take part to raise awareness about the evil of abortion.

Of course abortion is murder. There is no way that anyone with half a brain can refute that fact. Is it something that should be used if a mother's life is in danger? If she is raped? My personal opinion is no-on both counts. Do I think Christians should stand against it? YES! We should fight against abortion and the doctors that kill those little lives. We should voice our objections to the barbaric act and do whatever necessary to save those babies. Do I think we should stand up in the Life Chain Sunday? ....... No. I think the time has long since passed where standing with signs and drawing attention to the community's unity against abortion will work to change anything.
The only thing that will work immediately is to shut the clinics down any way possible and to keep them shut down. You're not going to do that by holding up signs, singing hymns and holding hands. Unfortunately, most Christians aren't radical enough to take the abortion mills to the next level. We want the government to step in and say "Bad! Bad! Now no more baby killing!" and let them handle it. We can petition our senators, our congressmen, our President but I can guarantee you that will be to no avail.
Too much money is to be had in the trade of infant flesh. Since all doctors need to have prior approval to deal in the abortion trade, they have to be licensed, the government gets a cut of the license fee. The doctors keep the labs happy with lots of specimens to check....more money moving.....the cosmetic companies, the laboratories that deal in 'research', the vaccine producers and all of Big Pharma's little club get a piece of the income.

The government really has the most to gain as all licenses and taxes that have anything to do with the infant flesh trade go into their tidy little pockets. No my friends, abortion will not be legislated out except when the Lord comes back to rule and reign here on the earth for a 1000 years.

The best we can do as Christians is to not feed the machine:
Don't support doctors that kill. Ladies if you go to a gynecologist or an obstetrician, find out if he participates in infanticide.
If he does then simply quit using him and if you are really bold, tell him why.
Don't participate in the vaccine industry-it's harmful enough to inject yourself with toxic chemicals but do you really want to also inject the cell of an aborted child into you as well? Several vaccines have used cell lines from aborted children for the purpose of growing vaccines.
Probably the most important thing you can do for the unborn, is to witness for Christ to their mothers. Let them know how to be saved and that the Lord can turn their lives around and help them with the provisions they need to make a decent life.
Then be useful. Try to lend a hand. Even if it means taking mom in and helping her or adopting the baby. Christ will provide you with what you need, as needed, if you reach out and help. Let's not be hypocritical. If we can save a child by taking one in then we have really done something! If we try to mouth a lot of rhetoric and then go home without at least offering ourselves and our homes, then we are no better than the government that allows abortion to happen.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

The Aleopathic Lie

There are not many things that get me ruffled. In my 47 years, I have witnessed crimes, assaults and perversions. I have seen loved ones turn on each other, I have seen babies die, I have seen marriages fall apart and I have seen awful calamities take place involving young and old. All these things are part of 'life' and you learn to cope and go on.

Becoming a born-again Christian 21 years ago has helped me to cope and go on. I am sure that without Christ working in my life day to day, I would be unable to face the day at all many times. I tend to have a bit of a cynical nature and have to work hard at overcoming pessimism (an attribute that seems to be a part of my Russian heritage I'm afraid,) it's a trait that is hard to shake.

With that said, I have to admit that as a Christian mother, there is a prevailing deception in this world that affects Christian and non-Christian mothers alike which angers and frustrates me beyond many of the 'wrongs' we see today. This is the deception that the field of medicine, with it's doctors and the medical societies that they embrace, are all knowing and justified in all their actions without proof!

This angers me more when discussing the field of childbearing and infant care than in any other aspect because it affects a usually healthy baby with the capacity for a healthy, happy existence ahead.

I have worked as a breastfeeding counselor for several years and as a childbirth educator and birth assistant. There are times when a young woman or a couple will ask me to come in and help them learn about childbearing, breastfeeding and prepare them for family life. I am always excited to help, knowing that I might possibly make a difference in the well-being of this new family.
I bring in my charts to show the progression of pregnancy, labor and birth. We discuss danger signs and birth plans. I discuss the difference between natural childbirth and medicalized birth.
I show videos of women having natural, unmedicated births and videos on dealing with breastfeeding and problems that may arise. We discuss the dangers of the snowball effect of medical practices in labor, how lack of normal movement and fearful thinking can interfere with the body's natural ability to cope with contractions.
We breathe deeply together and learn to relax our bodies against the power of normal, healthy contractions. We discuss comfort measures and ways to enlist the help of friends and family during the most vulnerable of times. Postpartum planning is done. Mothers are given lists with helpful information about baby care and self care and then you leave your 'client' with the hope that they have gleaned from the knowledge you have imparted and that they feel able to call upon you for support if the need arises.

With women that are already health conscious and have made the decision to birth into the hands of a caring birth attendant, usually the result is good. Mothers feel more comfortable with themselves and their God-given ability to birth, they don't give up on breastfeeding just because it seems unpopular with family or friends, and they bond beautifully with the new life they are blessed with.
On the flip side....and this has become the all too common 'norm', you have mothers that are either very young and are totally ignorant of the birth process or you have mothers that are distrusting of their abilities and so they wait for someone to tell them what to do and how to do it and in their minds, only medical professionals (those very well paid distributors of Big Pharma's goodies) can be the all knowing ones. Afterall, they have the papers in the frames at the office that say so!

Case in point:

I recently counseled a young, unwed mother. She said she was a Christian but was back-slidden. She hoped to do what was best for her baby and was awaiting her young boyfriend to return to her so that they could marry and turn their life around. Her environment was not the best. She had very little money and practically no prenatal care until her last two months of pregnancy. I tried to counsel her about securing a traditional birth attendant for her own and her baby's safety. I knew it was very easy to find a doctor who would feed her through the system of medicalized birthing. They are the ones that believe in giving a woman a pelvic exam each time she comes in for a check up. They get to her private area before they ever recognize she has a face. They don't converse much, they put you on synthetic iron pills that constipate you, hand out formula samples instead of encouraging breastfeeding and plan your Epidural for you 'just in case' then charge it all to Medicaid.
Like so many Sheeple, she too took the path of least resistance and secured herself just such a doctor.
His accent was thick and so she barely understood what he said to her. He intruded into her vaginal cavity with every visit for 'her own good' and enabled doubts in her head about her ability to birth normally since she was so young and the baby was already a pretty good size!
When she developed a leaky sac, she was brought in to the hospital post haste and before she knew what hit her, a Caesarean section was in the works!

Not only did this young woman go through major abdominal surgery for less than an emergency, but now, she needed drugs for pain control and for fighting infection due to the C-section. According to her doctor she would not be able to breastfeed because she was 'too full of medication'. So, now who suffers? The baby!

The baby who was taken without the benefit of a normal process of a complete labor and birth and now is seperated from the huge benefit of breastfeeding. There was no bonding, no Colostrum to protect the child from invasion of bacteria and for the much needed nutrients that only mother's milk can afford. There was no growing process as the young mother-to-be transformed into a mother-that-is. No feeling of "I did it!"

She was robbed. The infant was robbed....The sad part is, they don't even realize it.

Now mom is at the grocery store with her fistful of WIC coupons filling her shopping cart full of processed, dehydrated, milk product squeezed from the corporate breast. It comes with 'friendly', bright colored labels that promise it's nutritional rewards. The infant, who is a beautiful, raven-haired little girl, will never know the taste of her mother's milk, nor reap the life-long benefits of breastfeeding.

Let me be a fortune-teller here:

The little girl will be fed formula for the first year, probably develop ear infections and allergies which will subsequently put her into the hands of medical doctors, who will prescribe drugs to battle the infection and pain. She won't be taken as a regular patient though unless she succumbs to the injection of toxic heavy metals and chemicals first to 'protect' her from disease.
She will be placed on processed baby foods when the doctor deems she is ready. She will be given synthetic vitamins with fluoride to keep her 'healthy' and when she becomes school aged, mom has done her job and now the processing plant of government schools will take over....don't worry!
Maybe...she'll make a good Sheeple Jr. and won't need Ritalin to keep her dumbed down.

Am I being negative? I suppose I am. It's a negativity that has it's roots in reality. I've seen this very same scenario played out over and over in the world and in the churches. I guess that is what is most disturbing. I keep thinking to myself, "Christians should know better!" Why cannot we at least be the ones to lean on God's care plan for our bodies and our children's bodies as well? Why do we think that today's medical practice is somehow blessed by God? Why do we allow doctors to tell Christian mothers that it is healthier for them to shoot up their newborns with chemicals and feed them contrary to God's Word? This fallacy should be uncovered from America's pulpits and applied by each family in the Lord. God, who created our bodies and gave us a purpose as the lights for the lost in this world, cannot be seperated from our practical, day to day lives as Christians. We need to recognize the Almighty God, Creator of heaven and earth as the author of our health plan and stay away from the sorceries of the aleopathic witch doctors who come to rob us of our health.

Rev 18:23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.